viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Exclusive interview with Mucho Gracias (Mucho) [English ]

Hi Hearties, how you´ve been?? , I have wonderful news today, a few days ago I had the chance to talk with Mucho, best known as MUCHO GRACIAS, the famous guitarist and pirate of ACE how always give us the best of him in every single event the band makes. Today, thanks to his kindness we have an exclusive Q&A with him for the page The Brethren Court , first of all we want to say Thank you so much to MUCHO for his time, he is very charming and is always willing to talk to his fans despite his occupations. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


First of all thank you for taking the time to answer our questions -- it is a pleasure for us to have this opportunity to do this Q & A! Thanks Mucho Gracias.

For starters, we would all like to know what you (Mucho Gracias) are like off stage...

1)  Do you have siblings? What are your most cherished memories with the family?
Mucho: No. I'm an only child. 
My most cherished memories with the family are the days spent in Bulgaria. 

2)  What does your family think about your musical life?
Mucho: Fortunately ,they are always encouraging me!!

3)  Speaking of, who was your main supporter when you first started as a musician?
Mucho: My parents, of course.

4)  As for love and ideals, what's your ideal girl?
Mucho: Someone who has deep understanding about this job -- I mean, about being a musician.

And, of couse, I love pretty and cute girls!! lol

5)  If you could choose the nationality of your ideal girl, would it be?
Mucho: All nationality are OK!!

6) What do you think of Latinas and European girls?
Mucho: They're beautiful!! I think they are more passionate than Japanese.

Let's discuss the genesis of your interest in music...

7) What was the first concert (aka live) you attended and which band?
Mucho: I think it was a school festival in junior high school. I did a gig with my friends.

8) How or what did you feel when leaving that concert?
MuchoI behave like a guitar hero!!

9) Do you remember what it was like the first time you got on a stage? How did you feel?
Mucho: I felt nothing but

10) Can you tell us a bit about how your musical career is going right now?
Mucho: I'm doing some recording of game music!!

About Visual Kei...

11) What do you think of this style?
Mucho: It's a very unique and original culture.

12) Are you a fan of any band of this genre? Other than A (Ace), of course. (laughs) 
Mucho: I'm a fan of X JAPAN and LUNA SEA. I did a copy band at the school festival!!

13)  Many say Visual kei (which originated in Japan) is a genre which grew in popularity worldwide. Do you feel that way about the culture/genre as well?
Mucho: Yes!! I'm sure that many Japanese Visual Kei band have fans in many countries.

Developement of A (Ace)...

14)  How did A (Ace) come to be?
Mucho: I got a great call from Nimo and Rookie!

15)  Describe Nimo, Rookie and Toshi in brief

Nimo = Captain
Rookie = Fairy
Toshi = Fire!! lol

16)  Ace had an impressive growth, it's music only being part of it. What do you think of evolution that A (Ace) hadn gone through over the past three years?
Mucho: Well, the band really improved!! The skills, performance, especially the expressiveness!! I think you can visualize the scenery from Ace's music!!

17) Have you given any thought to how acquaintances have done in recent years around the world?
Mucho: I can't imagine that, but I hope our crew is increasing around the world!

Both in Europe and Latin America has seen steady growth of fans is increasingly more people interested in this style of music

18) Since Ace did a tour in Europe, would you like to tour Latin America both with your own musical projects as well as with Ace?
Mucho: Why not!! That would be so fun!!

19) If I remember correctly, you once mentioned that you would like to visit Brazil -- have you managed to go there, yet? Would you like to visit any other country in Latin America? Why?
Mucho: Not yet. I want to go to all of the countries in Latin America!! I want meet all of my fans!!


20) If you were not a musician, what else would you be doing?
Mucho: I can't imagine it... So again I'll be a musician!! XD

21) Where do you think you will be in another three years?
Mucho: I want to travel around the world!! Of course, with my guitar!!

22) A message for fans
Mucho: Hi everyone!! Thank you for your continuous support!!
I wish I could meet all of my fans!!
Please feel my thankfulness from my guitar playing!!
I'll keep doing the best I can!!
Take care, my friends!!

Interviewer: Gekkou
Credits: Jrock Español
Thanks to: Mucho Gracias (for interview) and VHK for your help

Interview : Spanish
Interview: Portuguese 

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